Hi every one welcome back to week 2 of Fat Burning Training Routine With Diet. If you have not yet seen the first week you can check it out by clicking the following link Fat Burning Training Routine With Diet week 1.
In this second week you will notice the training gets slightly harder than the first week and the diet a little stricter the number of repetitions are going up and your calories and carbs are going down.
4 week training routine week 2
Training routine 1 (monday and thursday)
explosive press ups: 2 sets of 5-7
dumbell benchpress: 2 sets of 5-7 (perform at a light weight)
dumbell benchpress: 2 sets 6 (on your last set perform a drop set)
barbell incline press: 3 sets of 6
low pully cable cross overs: 3 sets of 12(on your last set perform a drop set)
dumbell shoulder press: 2 sets 5-7 (perform at a light weight)
dumbell shoulder press: 3 sets of 6 (on your last set perform a drop set)
barbell upright rows: 3sets of 6
cabel lateral raises: 2 sets of 12 (on your last set perform a drop set)
cable bent over lateral raises: 2 sets of 12 (on your last set perform a drop set)
dumbell shrugs: 3 sets of 6
close grip bench press: 3 sets 5-7 (perform at a light weight)
close grip bench press: 3 sets of 6
over head dumbell extensions: 3 sets of 6 (on your last set perform a drop set)
Training routine 2 (tuesday and friday)
single arm rows: 3 sets of 5-7 (perform at a light weight)
bent over rows : 3 sets of 6
wide grip pull downs: 3 sets of 6 (on your last set perform a drop set)
smith machine curl throws: 3 sets of 5-7 (perform at a light weight)
barbell curls: 3 sets of 6
incline dumbell curls: 3 sets of 6 (on your last set perform a drop set)
barbell reversewrist curls: 3 sets of 12
Training routine 3 (wednesday and saturday)
squat jumbs: 3 sets 5-7 (perform at a light weight)
squats: 4 sets of 6
leg press: 3 sets 0f 6 (on your last set perform a drop set)
leg extensions: 3 sets of 12
super set with
leg curls: 3 sets of 12
seated calf raises: 3 ses of 20
standing calf raises: 3 sets of 15
reverse crunches: 3 sets to failure
super set with
cable crunches: 3 sets of 15
Diet week 2
Breakfast: 4 whole large eggs, 30g sultana bran with skimmed milk,
late morning snack: 2 scoops whey protien 30g nuts
Lunch: 1 tin tuna, 2 slices wholemeal bread with 1 spoonful low fat mayo
midday snack: plain low fat yogurt, 1 scoop of whey protien (mixed in)
pre workout snack: 1 scopp whey protien, 1 large banana
post workout snack: 2 scoops protien, 600ml gatorade
dinner: chicken breast,20 asparagus spears, 200g mixed green salad, 2 tablespoons low fat salad dressing.
night time snack: 225g cotage cheese, 1 table spoon of peanut butter.
keep tuning in over the next few days for week 3
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Monday, 29 June 2009
Fat Burning Training Routine With Diet
Training Routine Week 1:
This training routine is a 4 week fat torching routine that if you stick to i can guarentee you WILL totaly strip the fat of your body, leaving you with a perfect lean body, this programme will work for anyone who does it, as long as you stick to the training routine and diet strictky, after all its only 4 weeks long.
Its all about will power people just stay away from the cakes and pies for a little while and your gonna get great results cheat and they wont be nearly as good, remember alot of people say diet is 80% of the battle and i have to say i totally agree.
This training routine is a 3 day split over a 6 day week, so you will be training monday to saturday, with sunday as your rest day repeating the training routine twice each week ,also there is a small amount of cardio after each weights session, during your routine you will be lifting heavy weights and minimising your rest periods in between sets, this will cause you to burn huge amounts of calories during and after your workout also reps will beformed fast and explosivley as this has also been proven to burn more calories than standard slowreps.
right guys here we go then this is week one training routine and diet
4 Week Training Routine Week One
training routine 1(Monday and Thursday)
Explosive press ups: 2 sets of 3-5 reps (each rep is performed explosivly so your hands leave the floor).
Smith machine inline bench press throws: 2 sets of 3-5 reps (perform these on a light weight).
Smith machine inline bench press: 2 sets of 8
Dumbell bench press: 3 sets of 8
Cable crossovers: 3 sets of 10
smith machine over head throws: 3 sets 3-5 reps (perform these on a light
smith machine over head: 3 sets of 8
smith machine upright rows: 3 sets of 8
smith machine upright rows: 3 sets of 8
dumbell lateral raises: 3 sets of 10
bent over lateral raises: 3 sets of 10
barbell shrugs: 3 sets of 8
close grip smith machine press throws: 3 sets of 3-5
smith machine close grip presses: 3 sets of 8
tricep pushdowns: 3 sets of 10
training routine 2 (Tuesday and Friday)
1 arm cable pulls: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these on a light weight).
single arm rows: 3sets of 8
seated cable rows: 3 sets of 8
Smith machine curl throws: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these on a light weight)
smith machine drag curls: 3 sets of 8
incline dumbell curls: 3 sets of 10
Barbell wrist curls: 3 sets of 10
training routine 3 (wednesday and saturday)
squat jumps: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these with only your own body weight)
squats: 4 sets of 8
leg press: 3 sets of 8
leg extention: 3 sets of 8
leg curls: 3 sets of 8
standing calf raises: 3 sets of 12
super set these with
seated calf raises: 3 sets of 12
Diet week one:
Breakfast: 2 whole large eggs, 4 large egg whites, 230g of poridge, handful of blueberries.
Late morning snack: 2 scoops of whey protien, 1 whole wheat mufin, 1tbs of peanutbutter.
Lunch: chicken breast , medium sweet potatoe, mixed salad with 1 tablespoon light dressing.
midday snack: 100g sliced turkey meat, 2 slices wholemeal bread, beef and vegatable soup.
Preworkout snack: 1 scoop whey protien, 2 peices of fruit .
post workout snack: 1 scoop whey protien, litre of gatorade.
Dinner: chicken or fish, cup of brown rice, handfull of green beans.
night time snack: 250g cottage cheese, 2 table spoon of salsa.
So thats the first week for week 2 click the following link Fat Burning Training Routine With Diet week 2
This training routine is a 4 week fat torching routine that if you stick to i can guarentee you WILL totaly strip the fat of your body, leaving you with a perfect lean body, this programme will work for anyone who does it, as long as you stick to the training routine and diet strictky, after all its only 4 weeks long.
Its all about will power people just stay away from the cakes and pies for a little while and your gonna get great results cheat and they wont be nearly as good, remember alot of people say diet is 80% of the battle and i have to say i totally agree.
This training routine is a 3 day split over a 6 day week, so you will be training monday to saturday, with sunday as your rest day repeating the training routine twice each week ,also there is a small amount of cardio after each weights session, during your routine you will be lifting heavy weights and minimising your rest periods in between sets, this will cause you to burn huge amounts of calories during and after your workout also reps will beformed fast and explosivley as this has also been proven to burn more calories than standard slowreps.
right guys here we go then this is week one training routine and diet
4 Week Training Routine Week One
training routine 1(Monday and Thursday)
Explosive press ups: 2 sets of 3-5 reps (each rep is performed explosivly so your hands leave the floor).
Smith machine inline bench press throws: 2 sets of 3-5 reps (perform these on a light weight).
Smith machine inline bench press: 2 sets of 8
Dumbell bench press: 3 sets of 8
Cable crossovers: 3 sets of 10
smith machine over head throws: 3 sets 3-5 reps (perform these on a light
smith machine over head: 3 sets of 8
smith machine upright rows: 3 sets of 8
smith machine upright rows: 3 sets of 8
dumbell lateral raises: 3 sets of 10
bent over lateral raises: 3 sets of 10
barbell shrugs: 3 sets of 8
close grip smith machine press throws: 3 sets of 3-5
smith machine close grip presses: 3 sets of 8
tricep pushdowns: 3 sets of 10
training routine 2 (Tuesday and Friday)
1 arm cable pulls: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these on a light weight).
single arm rows: 3sets of 8
seated cable rows: 3 sets of 8
Smith machine curl throws: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these on a light weight)
smith machine drag curls: 3 sets of 8
incline dumbell curls: 3 sets of 10
Barbell wrist curls: 3 sets of 10
training routine 3 (wednesday and saturday)
squat jumps: 3 sets of 3-5 (perform these with only your own body weight)
squats: 4 sets of 8
leg press: 3 sets of 8
leg extention: 3 sets of 8
leg curls: 3 sets of 8
standing calf raises: 3 sets of 12
super set these with
seated calf raises: 3 sets of 12
Diet week one:
Breakfast: 2 whole large eggs, 4 large egg whites, 230g of poridge, handful of blueberries.
Late morning snack: 2 scoops of whey protien, 1 whole wheat mufin, 1tbs of peanutbutter.
Lunch: chicken breast , medium sweet potatoe, mixed salad with 1 tablespoon light dressing.
midday snack: 100g sliced turkey meat, 2 slices wholemeal bread, beef and vegatable soup.
Preworkout snack: 1 scoop whey protien, 2 peices of fruit .
post workout snack: 1 scoop whey protien, litre of gatorade.
Dinner: chicken or fish, cup of brown rice, handfull of green beans.
night time snack: 250g cottage cheese, 2 table spoon of salsa.
So thats the first week for week 2 click the following link Fat Burning Training Routine With Diet week 2
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
fun circuit training routine
This training routine is a really fun circuit training routine shown to me by a friend a couple of years back, all you need is a deck of cards and a bag, a length of track and a stop watch.
Right so you might be wondering whats going on and thinking you cant see yourself working up much of a sweat with a deck of cards right, well this is the fun part, as we all no a deck of cards has 4 different suits hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades, what we need to do is nominate each suit an exercises, the good thing about this is you can change the exercises to any thing you want, an example is below of one I have used in the past
spades = sit ups
clubs = press ups
hearts = squat thrusts
diamonds = bur pees
When you have decided what exercises each card will be for the training routine empty all the cards into your bag and mix them up, next you want to mark roughly 25 meters on the track.
Assuming you also have your stop watch you are ready to begin the training routine.
This training routine is designed to last approximately 30 minutes .
To start with you run the 25 meteres and back then choose a card at random from the bag, so for example lets say you choose 8 of clubs this will mean you do 8 press ups, you are allowed one minute between starting the exercise and starting another run so the quicker you finish your press ups the longer breather you will get so obviously it also stands to reason that the lower number cards will give you a nice breather where as higher numbers will leave you with less rest time so if you have a long run of high cards the training routine can quickly become rather nasty.
continue in this fashion for 30 minutes
run - card - run - card - run - card, you get the idea and make sure you choose cards at random each time it makes the training routine much more fun as you just don't know whats coming.
The great thing about this routine is you can tailor it for your own level of fitness for example if 25 meters is to long shorten the distance and if you want to change the exercises you can it is a very versatile training routine and its nice to have a change from the same old routine so give it a go and please let me know what you think.
Cheers guys hope you enjoy this one.
Right so you might be wondering whats going on and thinking you cant see yourself working up much of a sweat with a deck of cards right, well this is the fun part, as we all no a deck of cards has 4 different suits hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades, what we need to do is nominate each suit an exercises, the good thing about this is you can change the exercises to any thing you want, an example is below of one I have used in the past
spades = sit ups
clubs = press ups
hearts = squat thrusts
diamonds = bur pees
When you have decided what exercises each card will be for the training routine empty all the cards into your bag and mix them up, next you want to mark roughly 25 meters on the track.
Assuming you also have your stop watch you are ready to begin the training routine.
This training routine is designed to last approximately 30 minutes .
To start with you run the 25 meteres and back then choose a card at random from the bag, so for example lets say you choose 8 of clubs this will mean you do 8 press ups, you are allowed one minute between starting the exercise and starting another run so the quicker you finish your press ups the longer breather you will get so obviously it also stands to reason that the lower number cards will give you a nice breather where as higher numbers will leave you with less rest time so if you have a long run of high cards the training routine can quickly become rather nasty.
continue in this fashion for 30 minutes
run - card - run - card - run - card, you get the idea and make sure you choose cards at random each time it makes the training routine much more fun as you just don't know whats coming.
The great thing about this routine is you can tailor it for your own level of fitness for example if 25 meters is to long shorten the distance and if you want to change the exercises you can it is a very versatile training routine and its nice to have a change from the same old routine so give it a go and please let me know what you think.
Cheers guys hope you enjoy this one.
circuit training routines
Weight Gainers
Hi guys, am just writing a short post today about a site i came across yesterday about weightr gain suplements. The site is an australian site that gives some sound info on different weight gaining supplements.
This site as you know is usualy about training routines, however I do stress how important good diet and correct supplements are to your progress.
The thing I enjoyed about the weight gainers site i am talking about was it gave some really good information on the ingredients used and the effect they have on your training routines and your overall progress, check it out at
Weight Gainers.
This site as you know is usualy about training routines, however I do stress how important good diet and correct supplements are to your progress.
The thing I enjoyed about the weight gainers site i am talking about was it gave some really good information on the ingredients used and the effect they have on your training routines and your overall progress, check it out at
Weight Gainers.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Chest Training Routine 3
This is the third chest training routine i have posted just so you can have a nice veriaty in your training routines.
Chest training routine 3:
dumbell bench press: 3 sets 8-12 reps
incline chest flies: 3 sets 8-12 reps
pess ups with legs raised: 3 sets 20 reps (again i tend to try and do my finale set to failure).
Start off with a couple of warm up sets on a low weight just to get you going so you dont pull any muscles.
Chest training routine 3:
dumbell bench press: 3 sets 8-12 reps
incline chest flies: 3 sets 8-12 reps
pess ups with legs raised: 3 sets 20 reps (again i tend to try and do my finale set to failure).
Start off with a couple of warm up sets on a low weight just to get you going so you dont pull any muscles.
Chest training routine
chest training routine 2
heres another good chest training routine so you can keep switching it up guys
chest training routine 2:
incline dumbell press: 3 sets 8-12 reps
decline dumbel press: 3 sets 8-12 reps
cable cross overs :3 sets 6-8 reps
i tend to do a couple of warm up sets before i get stuck into the hard training just to loosen the muscles up so you dont pull anything.
keep checkin in for more free training routines.
chest training routine 2:
incline dumbell press: 3 sets 8-12 reps
decline dumbel press: 3 sets 8-12 reps
cable cross overs :3 sets 6-8 reps
i tend to do a couple of warm up sets before i get stuck into the hard training just to loosen the muscles up so you dont pull anything.
keep checkin in for more free training routines.
Chest training routine
Friday, 19 June 2009
Chest Training Routine
If your looking for a good chest training routine this should be spot for anyone wanting to build up their chest, I use this fairly regularly but of course as with any training routine its always good to keep your muscles guessing so I switch my routine up fairly regular, so I will be posting some variations of chest training routines so you can change it up every now and then.
Chest training routine 1:
Bench press: 3 sets 8 - 12 reps
incline dumbell flys: 3 sets 8-12 reps
press ups: 3 sets of 20 ( if you really want to finish yourself off do your last set to failure).
keep tuning in for more chest training routines and check out the other training routine in the right hand side of the page keep up the good work guys.
Also was thinking of adding a followers section to the blog so would really like to here from people who might be interested, let me know in the comments section at the bottom of the post.
As this is a new growing blog I would really love feedback from my visitors on anything you might want to read about or any improvements I could make to make your visits more enjoyable.
catch you in a bit guys.
Chest training routine 1:
Bench press: 3 sets 8 - 12 reps
incline dumbell flys: 3 sets 8-12 reps
press ups: 3 sets of 20 ( if you really want to finish yourself off do your last set to failure).
keep tuning in for more chest training routines and check out the other training routine in the right hand side of the page keep up the good work guys.
Also was thinking of adding a followers section to the blog so would really like to here from people who might be interested, let me know in the comments section at the bottom of the post.
As this is a new growing blog I would really love feedback from my visitors on anything you might want to read about or any improvements I could make to make your visits more enjoyable.
catch you in a bit guys.
Chest training routine
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Strength Training Routine
the 2 strength training routine I am giving you guys today are old school strength training routines the first is desighned for just one day a week and the second is a four day programme but before i give you the programmes i will just say a little about strength training.
In a programme where your main aim is to gain strength you will find your self lifting heavy weights, this will mean to lift heavier the ammount of reps perormed in each set will need lowering so you can lift the maximum possible. Anywhere between 1-5 reps I tend to stick to between 3 and 5 reps if I am doing a strength training routine, also i tend not to bother with cardio when doing these sorts of routines, the reason being when you lift such heavy weights you burn enourmous amounts of calories anyway and you continue to burn them long after you finish training as your body uses alot of energy to return your body to its pre-exercise state basicaly although you might not think so at first when you learn a little about it you will realise strength training can be an excelent way to lose weight aswell.
If you want a good example of a routine that burns loads of calories with no calories check out an older post of mine burn 1000 calories in 1 workout no cardio
Anyway back to the training routines first up is the one day programme so here we go.
Strength Training Routine 1:
for each excercise perform just one set bare in mind this wants the heaviest you can lift causing you to fail on your final rep
Squat: 3-5 reps
Deadlift: 3-5 reps
Bench Press: 3-5 reps
Military Press: 3-5 reps
Bent Over Row: 3-5 reps
Dumbbell Curl: 3-5 reps
This routine only wants to be performed once a week ans you should see good strength gains.
strength training routine 2:
Bench Press: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Military Press: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Bent Over Row: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Squat: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Romanian Deadlift: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Dumbbell Lunges : 3-5 reps 3 sets
Decline Dumbbell Tricep Extensions: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Seated EZ Bar French Press: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Barbell Curls: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Calf Raises: 15 reps 3 sets
Hanging Leg Raises: 15 reps 3 sets
Hope you enjoyed these to two routines please feel free to leave comments
Also if you are really serious about your training I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
In a programme where your main aim is to gain strength you will find your self lifting heavy weights, this will mean to lift heavier the ammount of reps perormed in each set will need lowering so you can lift the maximum possible. Anywhere between 1-5 reps I tend to stick to between 3 and 5 reps if I am doing a strength training routine, also i tend not to bother with cardio when doing these sorts of routines, the reason being when you lift such heavy weights you burn enourmous amounts of calories anyway and you continue to burn them long after you finish training as your body uses alot of energy to return your body to its pre-exercise state basicaly although you might not think so at first when you learn a little about it you will realise strength training can be an excelent way to lose weight aswell.
If you want a good example of a routine that burns loads of calories with no calories check out an older post of mine burn 1000 calories in 1 workout no cardio
Anyway back to the training routines first up is the one day programme so here we go.
Strength Training Routine 1:
for each excercise perform just one set bare in mind this wants the heaviest you can lift causing you to fail on your final rep
Squat: 3-5 reps
Deadlift: 3-5 reps
Bench Press: 3-5 reps
Military Press: 3-5 reps
Bent Over Row: 3-5 reps
Dumbbell Curl: 3-5 reps
This routine only wants to be performed once a week ans you should see good strength gains.
strength training routine 2:
Bench Press: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Military Press: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Bent Over Row: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Squat: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Romanian Deadlift: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Dumbbell Lunges : 3-5 reps 3 sets
Decline Dumbbell Tricep Extensions: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Seated EZ Bar French Press: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Barbell Curls: 3-5 reps 3 sets
Calf Raises: 15 reps 3 sets
Hanging Leg Raises: 15 reps 3 sets
Hope you enjoyed these to two routines please feel free to leave comments
Also if you are really serious about your training I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
Strength training routines
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
intermediate ab training routine
click here for Beginner Ab Training Routine
click here for advanced Ab Training Routine
Hello everyone im back with another short post, with this time an intermediate ab training routine above there are also links for beginner and more advanced programmes this programme is at an intermediate level so if the beginner training programme is a bit to easy and the advanced is a little hard then this intermediate ab training programme should be just right so here goes
Hanging knee raises – 2 sets of 8 reps
Decline leg thrusts – 1 set of 10 reps
Lying leg thrusts – 1 set of 12 reps
Ab bicycles – 1 set of 30 reps
Stability ball crunches with arms straight over head – 1 set of 15 reps
Alternating crunches - 1 set of 20 reps
rest for about 30 - 40 seconds between each set and or excercise this will keep your muscles working throughout the ab training routine also as well as this it will keep your heartrate up throughout the training routine.
As i have said this is an intermediate ab training routine so if it is to hard or to easy there are links to two other training routines at the top of this page.
if your seriouse about getting a perfect mid section another great resource that I personaly own and have to admit stole this routine from is The Truth About Six Pack Abs Click Here for more info! its a really good book its 149 pages long and is packed with info.
click here for advanced Ab Training Routine
Hello everyone im back with another short post, with this time an intermediate ab training routine above there are also links for beginner and more advanced programmes this programme is at an intermediate level so if the beginner training programme is a bit to easy and the advanced is a little hard then this intermediate ab training programme should be just right so here goes
Hanging knee raises – 2 sets of 8 reps
Decline leg thrusts – 1 set of 10 reps
Lying leg thrusts – 1 set of 12 reps
Ab bicycles – 1 set of 30 reps
Stability ball crunches with arms straight over head – 1 set of 15 reps
Alternating crunches - 1 set of 20 reps
rest for about 30 - 40 seconds between each set and or excercise this will keep your muscles working throughout the ab training routine also as well as this it will keep your heartrate up throughout the training routine.
As i have said this is an intermediate ab training routine so if it is to hard or to easy there are links to two other training routines at the top of this page.
if your seriouse about getting a perfect mid section another great resource that I personaly own and have to admit stole this routine from is The Truth About Six Pack Abs Click Here for more info! its a really good book its 149 pages long and is packed with info.
Abs training routines
Beginner Ab Training Routine
click here for Advanced Ab Training Routine
click here for intermediate ab training routin
Welcome back everyone, this post is a nice little beginner ab training routine for those of you that are just starting out on your quest to gain the perfect set of abs, which as we all know is no easy feat, in fact i believe if my memory serves me correctly only 3% of the population of the uk have the much sought after washboard flat six pack, that does sound rather daunting, but the fact is it is possible with a bit of detemination along with eating well and a good ab training routine, this one should be ideal to just get you going
Beginner ab training routine
Lying leg thrusts – 2 sets of 5 reps
Reverse crunches – 2 sets of 5 reps
Ab bicycles – 1 sets of 20 reps (each knee to elbow counts as one rep)
Alternating crunches – 1 sets of 15 reps
Bench crunches - 1 sets of 15 reps
Between each set of this ab workout routine take about 30-40 seconds rest and i usualy perform this routine after my main training routine 2-3 times a week
hope you enjoy trying this out and please feel free to leave comments.
if your seriouse about getting a perfect mid section another great resource that I personaly own and have to admit stole this routine from is The Truth About Six Pack Abs Click Here for more info! its a really good book its 149 pages long and is packed with info.
click here for intermediate ab training routin
Welcome back everyone, this post is a nice little beginner ab training routine for those of you that are just starting out on your quest to gain the perfect set of abs, which as we all know is no easy feat, in fact i believe if my memory serves me correctly only 3% of the population of the uk have the much sought after washboard flat six pack, that does sound rather daunting, but the fact is it is possible with a bit of detemination along with eating well and a good ab training routine, this one should be ideal to just get you going
Beginner ab training routine
Lying leg thrusts – 2 sets of 5 reps
Reverse crunches – 2 sets of 5 reps
Ab bicycles – 1 sets of 20 reps (each knee to elbow counts as one rep)
Alternating crunches – 1 sets of 15 reps
Bench crunches - 1 sets of 15 reps
Between each set of this ab workout routine take about 30-40 seconds rest and i usualy perform this routine after my main training routine 2-3 times a week
hope you enjoy trying this out and please feel free to leave comments.
if your seriouse about getting a perfect mid section another great resource that I personaly own and have to admit stole this routine from is The Truth About Six Pack Abs Click Here for more info! its a really good book its 149 pages long and is packed with info.
Abs training routines
Good Ab Trainning Routine
click here for Beginner Ab Training Routine
click here for intermediate ab training routin
Hey guys just another short post here this time its a realy great ab training routine this is for an experienced weight trainer and probably someone with not alot more to shave of the mid section however I will be adding a few more ab training routines to this blog that are varying in difficulty i found this excercise in a really good book that i bought not so long ago.
Anyone who can do this ab workout routine I salute you its quite a beast.
Hanging leg raises: 4 sets of 10 reps
Hanging knee raises: 1 set of 15 reps
Lying leg thrusts: 1 set of 15 reps
Stability ball crunches: 1 set of 15 reps
ab crunches: 3 set of 20 reps
Weighted cable rope crunches: 1 set of 15 reps
Only take 30-40 second betweem each excersise.
Like i said before if you can complete this then your not doing bad and are definatly on your way to a well defined set of abs, check it out guys and girls, see what you think.
Also please leave comments or if you want advice on any other training programmes let me know and i will get back to you and maybe even write a post about it.
if your seriouse about getting a perfect mid section another great resource that I personaly own and have to admit stole this routine from is The Truth About Six Pack Abs Click Here for more info! its a really good book its 149 pages long and is packed with info.
Also if you are really serious about your training in general I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
click here for intermediate ab training routin
Hey guys just another short post here this time its a realy great ab training routine this is for an experienced weight trainer and probably someone with not alot more to shave of the mid section however I will be adding a few more ab training routines to this blog that are varying in difficulty i found this excercise in a really good book that i bought not so long ago.
Anyone who can do this ab workout routine I salute you its quite a beast.
Hanging leg raises: 4 sets of 10 reps
Hanging knee raises: 1 set of 15 reps
Lying leg thrusts: 1 set of 15 reps
Stability ball crunches: 1 set of 15 reps
ab crunches: 3 set of 20 reps
Weighted cable rope crunches: 1 set of 15 reps
Only take 30-40 second betweem each excersise.
Like i said before if you can complete this then your not doing bad and are definatly on your way to a well defined set of abs, check it out guys and girls, see what you think.
Also please leave comments or if you want advice on any other training programmes let me know and i will get back to you and maybe even write a post about it.
if your seriouse about getting a perfect mid section another great resource that I personaly own and have to admit stole this routine from is The Truth About Six Pack Abs Click Here for more info! its a really good book its 149 pages long and is packed with info.
Also if you are really serious about your training in general I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
Abs training routines
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Killer Arm Training Routine For Biceps and Triceps
Hi everyone this arm training routine is a creation made by me and a friend for biceps and triceps its a bit off a killer training routine but usually only takes about 30 minutes, the biceps and triceps are trained separately and both are done using super sets basically there are three triceps exercises and three bicep exercises all of which you perform three sets of eight, however each exercises is performed one after the other with no breaks in between i have wrote the training routine out the way it should be performed as to avoid complication the triceps are trained first followed by the biceps.
Killer arm training routine (triceps):
close grip bench press 8 reps
skull crusher 8 reps
seated dumbbell extension 8 reps
Just to clarify the exercises should be performed one after the other with no breaks in between after one full set of all three exercises take about a minute to a minute and a half rest before repeating a further two times.
Killer arm training routine (biceps)
barbell curls 8 reps
hammer dumbbell curls 8 reps
machine preacher curls 8 reps
again all three exercises should be done one after another with no rests and repeated three times, I perform both arm training routines using heavy weights so that i almost fail on the final exercises if you do the same you will defiantly feel the benefits.
So try out the killer arms training routine and let me know what you think.
Also if you are really serious about your training I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
Killer arm training routine (triceps):
close grip bench press 8 reps
skull crusher 8 reps
seated dumbbell extension 8 reps
Just to clarify the exercises should be performed one after the other with no breaks in between after one full set of all three exercises take about a minute to a minute and a half rest before repeating a further two times.
Killer arm training routine (biceps)
barbell curls 8 reps
hammer dumbbell curls 8 reps
machine preacher curls 8 reps
again all three exercises should be done one after another with no rests and repeated three times, I perform both arm training routines using heavy weights so that i almost fail on the final exercises if you do the same you will defiantly feel the benefits.
So try out the killer arms training routine and let me know what you think.
Also if you are really serious about your training I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
Arm training routines
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Flat Stomach in One Month - The Truth About Six Abs

Hi every one if you have been thinking of buying Truth About Six Abs to try get a flat stmach in one month then you have to read this review first.
Truth About Six Abs is an Ebook written by Micheal Geary a certified nutritional specialist and personal trainer,in his book he teaches dietary strategies and training advice to get a flat stomach in one month and of course to achieve that perfect wash board stomach that we would all love.
Truth About Six Abs is designed for anybody wanting to get get a flat stomach in one month, man or women, old or young and the techniques range from novice to expert basically this will work for anyone and will just need adjusting accordingly.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs is broken up in to sections the first is a very detailed and interesting section on diet and nutrition and the author Mike Geary advises you do not skip this part, he also stresses that this is not a fad diet what it is is a way of eating correctly to lose weight and get a flat stomach in one month, so for anyone out there after a magic pill or some wonder supplement bad news guys you wont find it here in fact you probably wont find that anywhere, not that actually works anyway.
The nutritional information is very detailed stuff and you will learn allot of great techniques to get fat levels down and keep them there and none of it includes low carb, or low fat, you eat them both but it tells you when and how to get them.
After all this information you are given 7 pages of example diets to get you going too which i thought was great.
The next part of Truth About Six Abs looks specifically at your abdominal workouts it gives examples of exercises to avoid and the best ones to focus on in order to develop get a flat stomach in one month. Each exercises is accompanied with photo demonstrations for all the exercises and the correct way of doing them this is followed by 8 ab training routines that increase in difficulty levels 1-8, 8 obviously being the hardest.
The next part of Truth About Six Abs book looks at the whole body workout, in this section he again gives allot of amazing advice for example he gives tips on increasing the am mount of calories you burn in your workouts which was a part i particularly liked, he also stresses that even though the book is Truth About Six Abs the rest of your body is equally as important and not to devote all your time to your ab training routines to get a flat stomach in one month the ab training routines are in addition to the rest of your body this section is also accompanied by photo instructions of all the individual exercises, which are followed by loads of training routines going from a beginner level to intermediate and advanced.
Basically in my opinion if you are looking to get in shape and try to get a flat stomach in one month or need some new ideas or maybe you hit a plateau in your training Truth About Six Abs is 149 pages of pure GOLD defiantly the best ebooks i have bought to date.
Also as well as Truth About Six Abs it comes with 5 bonus books COMPLETELY FREE!!
Flexibility: a 13 page stretching routine book
sky rocket fat loss: a 41 page book by fat loss expert Tom Vento author of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle (another great book)
Smoothies for athletes: 126 smoothie recipes for better athletic performance
stability ball exercises: 12 page book on stability ball exercises
turbulence training: a 33 page fast fusion fat loss book.
you can learn more about The Truth About Six Pack Abs by Clicking Here!
Good luck hopefully you can gat a flat stomach in one month and be able to show off your new six pack good luck.
Truth About Six Abs
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Shoulder workout routine
If your shoulders need a change of pace...if standard training routines barbell or dumbell shoulder presses just aren't doing it for you anymore...you have GOT to try this training routine.
A simple change in how you hold and lift the bar will set your delts on FIRE!
If you're like me, shoulders are one of your toughest bodyparts to develop. So I've to develop effective training routines to really hit my shoulders HARD and get the best results possible.
This training routine is one of my favorites for building strength and explosive power in the shoulders. I've found it to be VERY effective for hitting the lateral delts as well, which is critical for building shoulder width.
How To Do It:
To perform this workout routine, you'll need a barbell and a power rack. That's it!
Instead of pressing the barbell from inside the rack, though, and taking a "traditional" grip on the bar, you will be standing OUTSIDE the rack on one side, facing in. You'll be pressing ONE END of the bar, using the other end as a pivot point.
** Don't worry! ** I'll have a link to pictures and video of this exercise in action at the end of the article so you'll know EXACTLY what you're doing before trying it out.
First, you'll need to set one of the safety rails up near the top of the rack - about forehead level is good. The other rail should be set at just about shoulder height.
Set an Olympic barbell across these rails so that it's sloping down to one side. Load the high end of the barbell with at least one weight plate (45 or 35 lbs) to counterbalance the end you'll be pressing.
Load the lower end of the bar with weight - start with a weight that is fairly light (if you can do dumbell presses with 50 lb dumbells, start with just a 45 lb plate on the bar) until you get an idea of how the exercise works. THEN you can start adding plates. Also, be VERY sure you've got good collars on BOTH ends of the bar - you don't want any plates sliding off.
Now you're ready to start the workout routine.
Stand at the low end of the bar (outside the rack) facing in towards the rack. Grip the end of the bar with both hands (not overlapping but butted up so they're right BESIDE each other on the end of the bar). One will be closer to the end than the other - you can switch that grip on the next set to keep things even.
Stand a little off to one side to start with here. When you do the exercise, you're basically going to be doing a press with one hand (using the other hand for guidance and balance), bringing the bar up and overhead then lowering it down on the other side. Then you'll repeat, going back over to the other side.
This is why I call it the "Side-To-Side Shoulder Press training routine." You start with, for example, a left-hand one-arm press, bringing the bar overhead and across then performing a right-hand one-arm press. You go back and forth until you've done as many reps as you can.
When you're doing the press (especially at the bottom of the movement), be careful to use the other hand primarily for guidance and balance, NOT to try and pull up on the bar for help. That other shoulder will be in an awkward position to exert force and you don't want to risk injury.
If you want to REALLY finish off the shoulders with this training routine(I like to do this on my last set), when you're done with the side-to-side movement, you can continue with a two-arm press directly to the front.
Overall, this workout routine is an excellent alternative to barbell and dumbell presses. It's a novel yet EXTREMELY functional shoulder exercise that has the potential to build excellent power and strength in the shoulders.
The positioning of the bar, the side-to-side movement and the fact that you're gripping on a MUCH thicker portion of the bar all contribute to the overall effectiveness of the exercise.
I think you're going to like it!
To see pictures and video of this exercise in action, click on the following link:
check out the workout here
check out these great bodybuilding eBooks including
Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
are all available at Fitness-E-Books.COM.
Also if you are really serious about your training I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
A simple change in how you hold and lift the bar will set your delts on FIRE!
If you're like me, shoulders are one of your toughest bodyparts to develop. So I've to develop effective training routines to really hit my shoulders HARD and get the best results possible.
This training routine is one of my favorites for building strength and explosive power in the shoulders. I've found it to be VERY effective for hitting the lateral delts as well, which is critical for building shoulder width.
How To Do It:
To perform this workout routine, you'll need a barbell and a power rack. That's it!
Instead of pressing the barbell from inside the rack, though, and taking a "traditional" grip on the bar, you will be standing OUTSIDE the rack on one side, facing in. You'll be pressing ONE END of the bar, using the other end as a pivot point.
** Don't worry! ** I'll have a link to pictures and video of this exercise in action at the end of the article so you'll know EXACTLY what you're doing before trying it out.
First, you'll need to set one of the safety rails up near the top of the rack - about forehead level is good. The other rail should be set at just about shoulder height.
Set an Olympic barbell across these rails so that it's sloping down to one side. Load the high end of the barbell with at least one weight plate (45 or 35 lbs) to counterbalance the end you'll be pressing.
Load the lower end of the bar with weight - start with a weight that is fairly light (if you can do dumbell presses with 50 lb dumbells, start with just a 45 lb plate on the bar) until you get an idea of how the exercise works. THEN you can start adding plates. Also, be VERY sure you've got good collars on BOTH ends of the bar - you don't want any plates sliding off.
Now you're ready to start the workout routine.
Stand at the low end of the bar (outside the rack) facing in towards the rack. Grip the end of the bar with both hands (not overlapping but butted up so they're right BESIDE each other on the end of the bar). One will be closer to the end than the other - you can switch that grip on the next set to keep things even.
Stand a little off to one side to start with here. When you do the exercise, you're basically going to be doing a press with one hand (using the other hand for guidance and balance), bringing the bar up and overhead then lowering it down on the other side. Then you'll repeat, going back over to the other side.
This is why I call it the "Side-To-Side Shoulder Press training routine." You start with, for example, a left-hand one-arm press, bringing the bar overhead and across then performing a right-hand one-arm press. You go back and forth until you've done as many reps as you can.
When you're doing the press (especially at the bottom of the movement), be careful to use the other hand primarily for guidance and balance, NOT to try and pull up on the bar for help. That other shoulder will be in an awkward position to exert force and you don't want to risk injury.
If you want to REALLY finish off the shoulders with this training routine(I like to do this on my last set), when you're done with the side-to-side movement, you can continue with a two-arm press directly to the front.
Overall, this workout routine is an excellent alternative to barbell and dumbell presses. It's a novel yet EXTREMELY functional shoulder exercise that has the potential to build excellent power and strength in the shoulders.
The positioning of the bar, the side-to-side movement and the fact that you're gripping on a MUCH thicker portion of the bar all contribute to the overall effectiveness of the exercise.
I think you're going to like it!
To see pictures and video of this exercise in action, click on the following link:
check out the workout here
check out these great bodybuilding eBooks including
Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
are all available at Fitness-E-Books.COM.
Also if you are really serious about your training I recommend you read the following book it is possibly the most comprehensive book on muscle growth and nutrition availible a must for serious bodybuilders Explosive Growth: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Building Muscle
shoulder training routine
Thursday, 4 June 2009
UK Supplement store
This post is a short post about my overall favorite UK Supplement Store which is the UKSupplementStore.co.uk , why you may be asking is it my favorite, well there are 3 reasons, firstly the prices are very good, secondly the delivery is very fast and thirdly there is an absoulutly masive selection of many popular brands, for many different purposes, for example gain muscle and lose fat, supplements for better recovery and products that increase indurance just to name a few. In my opinion it is definatly my favorite uk supplement store.
As well as the briliant selection at the uk supplement store they also are very easy to contact as they provide telephone contact which is something i always like, also they offer a free reps magazine with orders over £60 along with many other great uk supplement store deals.
Check UK Supplement Store Here.
As well as the briliant selection at the uk supplement store they also are very easy to contact as they provide telephone contact which is something i always like, also they offer a free reps magazine with orders over £60 along with many other great uk supplement store deals.
Check UK Supplement Store Here.
uk supplement store
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